Landing : Athabascau University

EduBlogging Skills Checklist

EduBlogging Skills Checklist

Learner has demonstrated the following blogging micro-skills:

1. Set up edublog

2. Managed administrative settings to personalize edublog

3. Subscribed to RSS feeds

4. Managed RSS feeds using aggregator

5. Added bookmarks

6. Has registered/claimed blog in blog search engines

7. Conducted tag search to track views of own edublog by others

8. Shared annotated bookmarks with others using delicious

9. Commented on others' blogs

10. Added hyperlinks to other blog posts

11. Added a photo in blog post

12. Embedded video into post

13. Added tags to categorize posts

14. Changed post access settings

15. Used cloud tag

16. Searched for other blogs using technorati

17. Searched for topic using blogsearch

18. Used diigo to share tags and notes