Landing : Athabascau University

Journal Articles - Annotated Bookmarks

Title: Shout Into the Wind, and it Shouts Back: Identity and Interactional Tensions in LiveJournal

Author: Lori Kendall

Journal: First Monday

Issue: Volume 12, No. 9.

Date: September 2007


Date Retrieved: October 17, 2009

Keywords: identity, interaction, tensions in blogging, edublogging

Summary:Kendall explores the issues surrounding public versus private blogging, strategies for effective self-presentation, and tensions encountered by student bloggers between their individuality and autonomy versus their desire for receiving feedback and gaining attention.


Title: The Educated Blogger: Using WebLogs to Promote Literacy in the Classroom

Author: David Huffaker

Journal: First Monday

Issue: Volume 9, No. 6.

Date: June 2006


Date Retrieved: October 17, 2009

Keywords: storytelling, literacy, blogs

Summary: Huffaker explores the use of blogs for use in classrooms to promote literacy and storytelling, and examines a number of blogs to determine recommendations for best practices.


Title: All the World Wide Web's a Stage: The Performance of Identity in Online Social Networks

Author: Erika Pearson

Journal: First Monday

Issue: Volume 14, No. 3

Date: March 2009


Date Retrieved: October 17, 2009

Keywords: Goffmann's theory of social performance, Granovetter's notion of social ties, identity construction

Summary: This article explores the role of social performance in identity formation. It explores the metaphor of the glass bedroom in terms of discursive performance and identity management.

Title: Profiles as conversation: Networked identity performance on Friendster

Authors: D. Boyd and J. Heer

Conference: Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS39)

Date: January 2006


Retrieved: October 17, 2009

Keywords: online identity, social bonds, performance of social identity, online profiles, embodied interaction

Summary: This article explores the use of profiles to represent self, and give testimony to others within a social networking site.


Title: The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited

Author: Mark Granovetter

Journal: Sociological Theory

Issue: Volume 1

Date: 1983


Retrieved: October 17, 2009

Keywords: sociological theory, strength of weak ties, strong ties, network theory

Summary: This articles provides an overview and further development of Granovetter's theory of weak and strong ties within a network, describes the impact of weak ties on individuals, and explores characteristics of low-density and high-density networks.