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  • Drafting Ideas: Facilitating Self-Regulated, Autonomous Learning in Self and Others

Drafting Ideas: Facilitating Self-Regulated, Autonomous Learning in Self and Others

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By Glenn Groulx October 20, 2009 - 12:03am

autoethnography: personal interpretations of experiences of attempting to facilitate learning communities; update: Oct. 21: soul-making, transformative learning, reflective construal, self-making processes

case studies: failures and successes of facilitation of NoPs based on events: BC Literacy Forum, College educators, Me2U communityidea: "the learning I do helps me more than others..."elluminate events often aid in better formulating my own thinking, and helps me practice presenting ideas in real time;podcasts clarify ideas and are appreciated by others indirectly - does not lead to active interaction and dialogue with participants;self-regulated learning is hopefully reciprocal - though unsure of impact of one's own ideas and self-talk on others;promotes sense-making and sense-giving, mostly by self to future self - speaking to an audience of one is very very powerful if pursued with an authenticity and commitment to personal freedom of expressing one's voice in various contexts, various perspectives; One's own voice is provisional - changes as we speak, self transforms itself as one communicates - blogging gives life to self through text - revisions refine self-definition further, deeper, repeatedly;blogging is not just about "edu" blogging - educational application provides a safe space to begin growth of voice, to enable unveiling of social/individual identity;blogging as performance, as role-play, as self-presentation, as practice space to play and try out diverse ideas and perspectives, to try on theories and concepts...self-reflections on practice and critical thinking emerge as a cyclical process on self-talk ; self-talk as a captured personal learning object, or digital footprint, leads to further development, re-working of ideasIdeas to consider:self-construal, self-regulated learning, self-talk, sense-making, self-as-separate versus self-as-embedded; dialogical thinking; critical self-reflection; metacognitive skills development;