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mportant notice: the student web server is unavailable. Until this is fixed, we do not require you to upload your site to the student server. See Running a web server on your local machine for details of how to meet the requirements for the final unit

Reflection on my work in unit 1

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By Marius Baguidy in the group COMP 266 January 2, 2020 - 8:56pm

  Although i have a wibsite and understand the concept of target age group, I found that creating persona is very effective and gives you a perspective on who might come to your website.

for this excercise, the theme of the website will about cinamtography and it is the targeted to cinematographer target age group 18 to 65 male-female as well as cinephile target age group 18 to 65 male-female. the website will contain news article as well as review, behind the scene content and a shop.

I have created 7 persona with 7 scenario and each scenario represent how and possibly why a persona would come to the website.As stated above, creating persona is far more creative in putting myself into the visitor's shoes. These persona really do come in handy when I imagine myself as somebody else and the various reason why they would come to the website as well as how they access it.

Creating the persona went well however imagining how they would access the website and why made me realise that i have to create a realistic scenario.

if i would do it again, i would do it with les persona

.Comp266 Unit 1 - Site Design