Landing : Athabascau University

Education and Discovery

Quinn Hinch
  • Public
By Quinn Hinch December 17, 2014 - 10:37am

Today I wrote the last exam of my undergrad degree. It has been a long and tough journey for me and in fact this blog post will be the last assignment of my degree. I am a Drama major and will have completed a combined degree program with Arts and Education. This Psyc 406 course has been one of the most rewarding courses for me personally. It was the perfect course to finish my undergrad because of the content I learned was personally applicable to me personally. I am going to be moving to Vancouver in less than 2 weeks to pursue a career in film and tv acting. The Existential approach to therapy and life for that matter has been one that has interested me the most. This combined with person-centered therapy I have enjoyed learning about. I believe that moving forward in life the notion of us being authors of our own destiny is one that I quite enjoy. We cannot blame others or events for how we feel because at the end of the day we are responsible for how we interpret and react to lifes many curve balls. I am about to embark on an extremely uncertain future, one that may result in success and one that may result in success in a different field, the fact of the matter is that unconditional positive regard while useful in cleint-therapist relationships can also be of utmost importance in self-dialogue. Positivity is a powerful force and one we do not always explore. Going forward I will attempt to always be self aware and be positive no matter how hard things get. It's been extremely empowering reading about the human condition and with the power comes responsibility, it's much easier to blame others for the troubles in your life but at the end of the day we are all responsible for our own lives. Take me being in this course for example, I am a student at the U of A and I was illadvised by an advisor who told me to take the wrong courses, back in my second year. I held so much anger and resentment toward the university for not showing me understanding and making an exception for me. Upon completion of this course I have come to terms with the fact that I was responsible for not getting all the required courses completed, I can blame others but I could have done more to look into my education to ensure I was getting the right courses. Thanks to this course I have accepted this, as tough and long as the journey has been everything happens for a reason and if i would have not been ill advised I would not have had to take this course and without this course I would not feel as prepared to tackle the next chapter of my life. And thanks to this course I feel better equipped to face whatever life throws at me as I begin this pursuit of happiness with happiness helping me along the way.