Landing : Athabascau University

BLOG TWO - Critical Review - Assignment ONE

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By Fatima Atique January 29, 2015 - 7:18pm

Critical Review - Helping students meet the challenges of academic writing

The first assignment was about problems faced by students who aspire to be competent writers. The assignment involved writing a critical review of the article entitled Helping students meet the challenges of academic writing by Fernsten, Linda & Mary Reda. The article revealed that there are several actions that result to inferiority complex amongst aspiring writers. For instances, the article revealed that such factors as race and religion may affect the confidence of aspiring writers. The article also revealed that there are several classroom actions that impact adversely on the confidence of students and hence result to inferiority complex when it comes to writing their assignments. In the course of the assignment, it was revealed that reflective writing can help students improve their confidence in writing and hence overcome inferiority complex that may be present in students.

The article reviewed in the first assignment also indicated some of the ways that were used by several writers who are successful in the United States of America. As such, it is justifiable to say that the first assignment helped to realize that reflective writing is critical in improving the confidence of academic writers and helping them to overcome inferiority complex that they may be facing. As such, it is justifiable to recommend that writers who suffer inferiority complex should concentrate on reflective writing as it likely to help them improve their confidence. Also, it is justifiable to recommend that tutors should be sure to avoid any classroom act that may impact adversely on the confidence of writers when it comes to writing their assignments. Writers facing inferiority complex may also read article about the techniques that were used by other successful writers.