Landing : Athabascau University

CFP: E-Learn - AACE

E-Learn, Oct 17-20, VancouverOctober 17-20, 2017, Vancouver BC.

Papers and proposals due June 10. There may well be a second call after that, but don't count on it.

If you attend only one conference this year, make it this one!

In my humble opinion this is the best broad-ranging conference on online learning in higher education in the world, and this year it is once more in the best location in the world (the last time was in 2009), a convenient short flight or very long drive from Athabasca, and a beautiful place to be. What appeals to me most about the conference is its diversity - with several hundred presenters, there is usually representation from very many countries and regions, at very many levels of expertise from world-class guru to student researcher, covering a full range of online learning research concerns from the highly technological to the highly pedagogical, as well as surrounding issues of management, ethics, globalization, openness, accessibility, UX design, etc. The only thing I don't love about it is that the proceedings are not published openly, though prices are not unreasonable, and AACE itself is a not-for-profit organization.

It is just possible that I am a bit biased about the conference and the location!  I am on the exec committee and am a local co-chair this year. But my involvement with both E-Learn and Vancouver is a result of my feelings about both, not a cause of them. My (nearly) ideal conference in an ideal location.