Landing : Athabascau University

Open Education Database

Polished site that aggregates information about both open and non-open online courses and about online colleges in the US with a view to helping prospective students find the right ones.

Includes some interesting stats about online colleges and programs, including retention rates, staff/student ratios/etc, in a searchable database - quite interesting to compare with AU (which compares very favourably on the whole). Also has annotated links to a wide assortment of open and free courses, including MOOCs, that are very easily searchable and browsable in different ways. Seems to have a fairly liberal attitude to what gets included in terms of quality, accreditation and openness but makes a point of using various metrics to make that clear. Also has some helpful and easily digestible advice on a range of topics aimed at students who may be new to online learning, such as what to expect, how to succeed, how to choose, matching careers and courses, and so on. Very US-centric but, on cursory examination, looks like a useful resource.