Landing : Athabascau University

iOS (iPhone/iPad) U.S. Mobile Browsing Marketshare = 60.7%

Social Times reports a fairly remarkable set of figures, given the range of phones and tablets that are available. The iPad alone accounts for 1% of global Web traffic. That's a hell of a lot of traffic for one line of computers in a market where there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of lines of computers (including desktops, notebooks, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, slightly-dumb phones, web-enabled clocks, refrigerators, cars, picture frames and chopping boards).

This is not great. I am currently a user of a great many Apple products because they make excellent machines at very good prices, but it should never be forgotten that Apple is a company that makes other former dominant computer companies like Microsoft and IBM seem, by comparison, like well-meaning bumbling saints. Apple are and have always been dedicated to capturing and locking in their users in every way they could think of. My stock response to complaints about Microsoft's abuse of its dominance on personal computers through the 90s and early 2000s was 'at least it's not Apple'. But, increasingly, it looks like now it is. Ah well. At least it's not Facebook...