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Resistance to "corporate war on public education" at the U of Southern Maine

Resistance to "corporate war on public education" at the U of Southern Maine

Started by Mark A. McCutcheon April 1, 2014 - 9:29am

The unfolding drama of mass layoffs and student protest at the U of Southern Maine is worth paying attention to, as the neoliberalization of liberal education continues. Pressured by the specious ruse of "austerity," North American universities adapt to private political agendas disguised as public financial "realities" by curbing academic freedom and cutting programs that advance social justice or otherwise dare to suggest a world beyond Dickensian capitalism is possible.

"All over the country there is an attack on education and it is really heartbreaking" [...]

"while declining state funding is a key driver of events, the [USM] university administration has exaggerated the financial problem; it seems eager to downsize liberal arts and social sciences for reasons that go beyond money."