Landing : Athabascau University

Mona Talibuddin's message board

  • Cara Gratton October 15, 2011 - 11:32am

    Hi Mona,
    I found these postings, but other students probably won't be able to read them. See if you can click on ENGL 177 Online Journal when you post your comments. That way your entries will be in the right place and other students will be able to read them. Your introduction was in the right spot so I'm not sure why these arent. Keep on writing!

  • Mona Talibuddin October 8, 2011 - 5:27pm

    The marks I received for my second assignment were below my expectations. I made such silly mistakes. ButI I will not get discouraged, instead learn from my mistakes. I misunderstood the contents of the material.I need to read more attentively.The history of Canada, is very interesting, and I am enjoying learning about it. I also need to work at using the correct transitional words to make connections between sentences. Hopefully, my next work will show improvement in my work. All the best to my fellow students.

  • Mona Talibuddin September 19, 2011 - 6:44pm

    Today I, received the comments on my first assignment; I was pleasantly surprised. My grade was much better than my expectations,and now i feel much more motivated about this course. I have to work on my grammatical errors, avoid making silly mistakes,and being repetative. Hopefully my next assignment will show improvement. Thankyou Cara, for your encouraging advice and guidance.