Landing : Athabascau University

AU Landing Activities Participant Checklist

Last updated January 18, 2011 - 9:49pm by Glenn Groulx

To what extent do you…? (leave blank if never used)

1 - less than once a month

2 - about once a month

3 - once a week 

4 - two to three times a week

5 - more than three times a week 

Knowledge Building Activities

___write blog posts

___update blog posts

___add or edit tags

___add bookmarks

___upload files for review/revision

___upload photos for archiving

___review help files/FAQs using Help Tab

___use search box to find content, people, files, and posts


Network Building Activities

___upload files for collaborative review

___upload photos for review/discussion

___comment on blog posts, files, or photos

___comment on comments

___join groups

___vote on polls

___follow someone

___create wire posts

___start new discussion threads

___create new group

___Add Activity Tab for groups or collection

___Use Member search via tag feature from members page

___Create new collection of followers/followed members

___Subscribe to RSS feeds (add feed to browser or to RSS Feed aggregator outside AU Landing such as Google Reader)

___Add AU Landing Bookmark-let to browser links toolbar

___Customize Activity Tab to filter content from data stream for searching/monitoring

___Add Twitter plug-in using Configure Tools

___Enable Activity Tabs for Groups or Collections of Followers

___Configure or Change Notifications


Identity Building Activities

___Create profile details

___Add or Change profile photo

___Update profile details

___Configure your personal settings using Account Tab

___Personalize dashboard

___Manage widgets 

___Review personal account activity using Activity Tab

___Modify access permissions on published content