Landing : Athabascau University

Results for "the landing"


  • The neediness of soft technologies

    This site, The Landing, is a bit like a building. The more people that enter that building, the more valuable it becomes. The real value and substance of the site is not the building itself but what goes on and what can go on inside it. If it...

    the landing

    April 24, 2011 - 2:24pm

  • The Landing Works!

    I was looking for information about an MDE e-portfolio meeting the other day.  Normally I would have used an email link from within Moodle to ask someone (probably Marguerite).  But the course I'm taking this semester isn't using Moodle...

    the landing

    June 26, 2020 - 9:45am

  • More on ownership, structures and behaviours - some examples

    I've received some personal correspondence about the article I posted recently on ownership, structures and behaviours asking for a bit more detail on a few points so, rather than answer it privately, I thought I'd share my thoughts a bit further....

    the landing

    March 16, 2010 - 8:05pm

  • Ownership, structures and behaviours

    Something unexpected has happened at community@brighton, the University of Brighton's equivalent to the Landing, running a modified version of the same Elgg software. For over 3 years, UoB was running the old version of Elgg that powered me2u at...

    the landing

    March 3, 2010 - 11:32am