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Demonstrating gadgets and feeds

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This is a pinboard that I have created to show how it is possible to integrate different sites and different information using Google Gadgets and RSS feeds. 

There are thousands of Google Gadgets available. Many are pretty awful, but there are some gems to be discovered at 

On the right of this, a clock and calendar, and some Google news. More examples are shown below.





The widgets either side of this one show gadgets displaying Twitter feeds. I used the Gadget available at but there are several others available that do much the same thing. 

RSS feed from

I had the great pleasure of being invited to the Open University of the Netherlands and, later in the day, to EdLab, Maastricht University a few weeks ago, giving a slightly different talk in each place based on some of the main themes in my most recent book, How Education Works. Although I adapted my slides a little for each audience, with different titles and a few different slides adjusted to the contexts, I could probably have used either presentation interchangeably. In fact, I could as easily have used the slides from my SITE keynote on which both were quite Read More
July 4, 2024 - 1:20pm
Here are the slides from a talk I gave earlier today, hosted by George Siemens and his fine team of people at Human Systems. Terry Anderson helped me to put the slides together, and offered some great insights and commentary after the presentation but I am largely to blame for the presentation itself. Our brief was to talk about sets, nets and groups, the theme of our last book Teaching Crowds: learning and social media and much of our work together since 2007 but, as I was the one presenting, I bent it a little towards generative AI and my Read More
July 3, 2024 - 10:41pm
ChatGPT and I came up with this image summarizing my thoughts on generative AI for a presentation I am giving later today. I think it did a pretty good job. Thanks, ChatGPT, and thanks to Peter Steiner for the awesome original
July 3, 2024 - 2:00pm
A Turkish university candidate was recently arrested after being caught using an AI-powered system to obtain answers to the entrance exam in real-time. Source: Student Caught Using Artificial Intelligence to Cheat on University Entrance Test A couple of years ago (and a few times since) I observed that proctored exams offer no meaningful defence against generative AI so I am a little surprised it has taken so long for someone to be caught doing this. I guess that others have been more careful. The candidate used a simple and rather obvious set-up: a camera disguised as a shirt button that Read More
June 18, 2024 - 10:05pm
Jennie Young nails it in this delightful little bit of satire about the misuse of learning outcomes in education, Forget the Magic of Discovery, It’s Learning Outcomes That Help Children Identify, Comprehend, and Synthesize Their Dreams. Learning outcomes do have their uses. They are very useful tools when designing learning activities, courses, and programs. Done well, they help guide and manage the process, and they are especially helpful in teams as a way to share intentions and establish boundaries, which can also be handy when thinking about how they fit into a broader program of study, or how they mesh Read More
May 9, 2024 - 1:08pm
This post asks the question, How does the order of questions in a test affects how well students do? The answer is “significantly.” The post points to a paywalled study that shows, fairly conclusively, that starting with simpler questions in a typical academic quiz (on average) improves the overall results and, in particular, the chances of getting to the end of a quiz at all.  The study includes both an experimental field study using a low-stakes quiz, and a large-scale correlational study using a PISA dataset. Some of the effect sizes are quite large: about a 50% increase in non-completions Read More
April 24, 2024 - 5:41pm


RSS feeds

The list to the right comes from an RSS feed on my home page of bookmarks to papers I have written.