Landing : Athabascau University

Rae Roque

Rae Roque

General info

AU courses, roles, etc

Current AU Courses
Completed AU courses
Current AU Program: Certificate in Game Development and Programming
Expected Program Completion Date: 2019-04-30
Role(s) at AU

About me

I'm a professional Skyrim addict, a motorcycle enthusiast, and an INTJ ennea. 8. That essentially means I'm disagreeable and bossy. If you don't want to steer clear just yet, read on to seal the deal:

I like Martial Arts: BJJ, HEMA, Viking combat... Hiking... Metal... I'm a polyglot: I, "speak," 2 dead languages and 5 living ones. I acquire languages like most people acquire Call of Duty achievements. I follow something called Ásatru, but not religiously (hah), more principally. I'm in school to eventually research AI-- world domination, for me, is not simply a dream, but an inevitable aspiration. I'm sarcastic, and I think I'm funny but I'm really not.

If you send me a message in proper English-- of the languages I know, text speak is not one LOL (see that, that was irony!)-- and you'd like my help on something academic, I don't actually bite even if I say I might. I would love to help, if I can, BUT if I'm busy I may not reply to you for some time.

Please keep in mind: I work full-time AND I study full-time. I have the same amount of time as everyone else on this planet, but I've allocated mine already. So if your query is urgent, I'm not the one to be contacting-- I do my best, but don't be disappointed if I can't get back to you.