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  • Karen Ferris September 28, 2011 - 7:47pm

    Wow, how exciting! I look forward to learning with you Ruth, sounds like we have similar goals.

  • Ruth Nivon Machoud September 16, 2011 - 9:37pm

    My name is Ruth Nivon Machoud. I am Swiss-Mexican, and I was born in Oaxaca, Mexico. I have dual citizenship because my mother is from Switzerland and my father is from Mexico. I speak Spanish as my first language, and French and English as second and third languages. Also, I have been competing in triathlon for eleven years; therefore, nowadays, I am a professional triathlete representing Switzerland. At the moment, I am not a full time student, but I like to learn and study by myself. Taking this course (ENGL 177) is a part of my goal of completing the English Language Proficiency Program. After, I would like to continue my studies (career) in Athabasca University through the distance education program. However, my goals in taking the English for Academic Purposes course are equally important as my career. First, I want to improve the necessary skills in order to be an academically successful student. Then, by the acquirement of the needed skills, I want to be able to transition from this course to undertake studies at the bachelor level. Also, I would like to improve my writing skills, so I can be more confident when writing academically. Furthermore, understanding the vocabulary and the methods used in academic English is also an important goal for me. Finally, I want to develop the capacity of writing easily, correctly and fast. In conclusion, I am a Swiss professional triathlete who wants to learn and perform academic tasks correctly.

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