Landing : Athabascau University

Walter Ridgewell

Walter Ridgewell

General info

Contact info

Province/State/County/Region: Alberta
Skype username: Bigpenguin2000


Occupation: Tutor - Computer Science
Industry: Post Secondary Education - ICT
Company / Institution: Athabasca University
Job Title: Individualized Study Tutor

About me

Currently researching security vulnerabilities and threats to networked gaming platforms and remediation methods to address those through user education utilizing immersive virtual environments. Enjoying life as a research scientist after many years as a post secondary IT adminstrator. Exploring and creating worlds in the 3d online metaverse with thought to thier applications and usage in an educational/research context.

Member - Canadian Information Processing Society  CIPS,
Holder of

  • Information Systems Professional - I.S.P.
  • Information Technology Certified Professional - ITCP
  • International Professional Practice Partnership in I.T. - IP3P


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