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  • Bonnie McLean published a blog post MAIS 606 week 11 blog November 18, 2016 - 12:58pm
    Research of documents in libraries would appear more legitimate. This search can lead to scholarly journals containing peer-reviewed articles, which means scholars in that field have approved them. Also, journals discovered by means of a library...
    • Angie Abdou November 18, 2016 - 2:56pm

      Hi Bonnie,

      Congratulations on finishing your blogs. Many scholary resources are now available online. If you use the library search function (or even Google Scholar) you will be able to find very, very many peer-reviewed articles.


  • Bonnie McLean published a blog post MAIS 606 week 7 blog October 22, 2016 - 3:13pm
    I like the reader-based revision. I do not think it is as devastating as the criterion-based revision. It is interesting to know what is on the reader’s mind when he or she reads my writing. But in my case with the problems I have writing, I...
    • Angie Abdou October 23, 2016 - 2:50pm

      Very clear blog post, Bonnie. Well done. I've recorded full marks. According to my records, you only have one more blog post to do.  Congratulations on getting them done so early in the term.


  • Bonnie McLean published a blog post MAIS 606 week 4 blog October 2, 2016 - 11:27am
    Word choice, tone and style make a difference in expressing myself in academic writing. I can use simple words to express myself and be very direct. The alternative is to use more complex expressions which make for more difficult reading. The tone...
    • Angie Abdou October 3, 2016 - 8:10am

      Good work, Bonnie. Interestingly, I would suggest you work on varying your sentence structure - which is a weakness you yourself note at the end.


    • Angie Abdou October 3, 2016 - 8:12am

      Also, Bonnie, I am only grading/reading 5 blogs per student. We're still in the first half of the course and you've already done 3 (good work!). I'd suggest you take a break from blogging and focus on the critical review for the next few weeks. Come back and write your last two blogs nearer the end of the course. :-)  -Angie

  • Bonnie McLean published a blog post MAIS 606 week 3 blog September 25, 2016 - 1:49pm
    I have always wrestled with writing. I always perceived it as a task for school, although I kept a diary when I was seven. I had to maintain a structure for an essay with topic sentences and proper grammar. I had to fit in quotes carefully and...
    • Angie Abdou September 26, 2016 - 9:47am


      Good work. Your blog post is very clean and clear. I enjoyed reading your objections to the Reda essay. I'd never thought of self-analysis working in this way. Thanks for making me think.  

      I hope that by the end of the course, you find that you wrestle with writing less (though I think even for the most professional/expert writers, writing involves a bit of wrestling).

      A few small errors:

      Picky point: "quotes" is the verb; "quotations" is the noun. Though people do use the abbreviated "quotes" all the time to refer to "quotations" the noun (in the same way they use "invites" when they should say "invitations"), it's a colloquial usage and I would prefer the formal "quotations" for academic writing. I'm sometimes old-fashioned and picky. :-) 

      Put essay titles in quotation marks rather than in italics (and put book titles in italics). Review these formatting details before submitting the first big assignment. 

      Overall - great job.


  • Bonnie McLean published a blog post Writing MAIS 606 revised Sept. 18, 2016 September 18, 2016 - 10:04am
    I wrote the pretest and realized that my grammar needs improvement. I had several errors when it came to more complicated points of grammar. I also read A Space for Academic Play about ten days ago and discovered that in learning...
    • Angie Abdou September 19, 2016 - 8:43am

      Bonnie - Congrats on getting the first post up early. This is an excellent introductory blog, and I'm happy to report that you don't have a single grammar error.  Your writing is very clear and direct. Well done.


    • Kimberley Thompson September 19, 2016 - 10:30am

      The tough part with writing is to have creative play and the space to learn while integrating our current thought process into a perfect paper.  Students must express themselves and new learning, but still consider the audience level is gradute and has high expectations, including content we may not really be interested in learning. I have added a group to mais 606 so we may all learn from the edits Angie is conducting and help each other to learn the academic writing process we value.  Please join the group 606 MAIS and feel free to message me anytime in regards to group learning or fragmented sentences which is what I am working on presently.  IF you have edits to comment please highlight and comment after in bold as this process has been great for me in novlel writing for published works.

      Thank you
