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MAIS 606 week 4 blog

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By Bonnie McLean October 2, 2016 - 11:27am Comments (2)

Word choice, tone and style indeed make a difference in expressing myself in academic writing. I can use simple words to express myself and be very direct. The alternative is to use more complex expressions which make for more difficult reading. The tone can be upbeat or negative. I can state that a text is abominable which is highly negative or I can simply say the text had a few weak points along with some interesting points. One can intersperse criticism with compliments to avoid being overly negative. The style can be direct or more convoluted with long sentences.

When it comes to reading an article my strength is to pick out the argument and the main points which I quickly highlight.

Writing critically I sum up the strengths and weaknesses of an article in a very direct way. My weakness may be some fine grammar points and using more complicated punctuation. I always hesitate when I am using a colon or semi-colon. For this reason I usually stick to shorter sentences and get to the point.

My strength is that I proofread myself two or three times before I submit any of my writing. (I can omit a word and not notice it until I have read what I have written twice.) But I do need to vary the construction of my sentences. I need to be less terse and try to be more insightful. I need to provide more detail to sustain an argument and develop an idea with an original conclusion.


  • Angie Abdou October 3, 2016 - 8:10am

    Good work, Bonnie. Interestingly, I would suggest you work on varying your sentence structure - which is a weakness you yourself note at the end.


  • Angie Abdou October 3, 2016 - 8:12am

    Also, Bonnie, I am only grading/reading 5 blogs per student. We're still in the first half of the course and you've already done 3 (good work!). I'd suggest you take a break from blogging and focus on the critical review for the next few weeks. Come back and write your last two blogs nearer the end of the course. :-)  -Angie