Landing : Athabascau University


  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Java Help February 20, 2024 - 12:07pm
     I found these Java Channels  very helpful.
  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Study Strategy February 19, 2024 - 10:03pm
    This is how I am studying for this course. I took this class thinkihng that it will be an intoductory but little that I know that it is going to overwhelm me.  At times I felt really overwhemed and this is how I started studying.  The...
  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Exam through Proctor U February 19, 2024 - 9:50pm
    The course was pretty interesting and I think I have learned a lot. However, the final exam for these courses is through the ProctorU which sucked to its core and made me overwhelmed and frustrated.  They took three hours to set their system up...
  • Mahmooda Malik created a wiki page Reflection 4 February 14, 2024 - 4:03pm
    Reflection 4: The key goal of this project is to create a fascinating text-based adventure game in Java, inspired by Lewis Carroll's classic tale, "Alice in Wonderland." This deliverable document will probe to discover the intricate Java code...
  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Introductory Java Class- February 13, 2024 - 2:59pm
    I read some of the previous blogs about Comp 268 course and I totally agree with everyone that this class started off pretty easy and I thought I was grasping the course until I hit the last assignment.  Where we are asked to design a...
  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Text-Based-Adventure-Game February 13, 2024 - 1:48pm
    I really enjoyed creating this game and here is what I have started off my game with:Within the domain of interactive storytelling, there is one genre that has consistently captured the attention of players: text-based adventure games. With their...
    • Anmoldeep Singh May 26, 2024 - 10:56pm

      It's fantastic that you’ve found joy in creating your game! Your initial step of imagining the environment and creating photographs sounds like a wonderful approach to visualizing the game's world. The images provide a strong foundation for the game's atmosphere, setting the stage for players to immerse themselves in your story.

      Text-based adventure games indeed have a unique charm, offering rich narratives and interactive storytelling that deeply engage players. Drawing inspiration from Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is a brilliant choice. I have also used the actual book as the source for my game personally so I’m excited to see how your vision unfolds and how players will navigate through the wonderland you create. Keep up the great work!

  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Text-Based-Adventure-Game February 13, 2024 - 1:48pm
    I really enjoyed creating this game and here is what I have started off my game with:Within the domain of interactive storytelling, there is one genre that has consistently captured the attention of players: text-based adventure games. With their...
    • Anmoldeep Singh May 26, 2024 - 10:56pm

      It's fantastic that you’ve found joy in creating your game! Your initial step of imagining the environment and creating photographs sounds like a wonderful approach to visualizing the game's world. The images provide a strong foundation for the game's atmosphere, setting the stage for players to immerse themselves in your story.

      Text-based adventure games indeed have a unique charm, offering rich narratives and interactive storytelling that deeply engage players. Drawing inspiration from Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is a brilliant choice. I have also used the actual book as the source for my game personally so I’m excited to see how your vision unfolds and how players will navigate through the wonderland you create. Keep up the great work!

  • Mahmooda Malik created a wiki page My Design Process February 13, 2024 - 1:45pm
    1.0 Introduction   1.1 Purpose  1.2 Project Scope 2.0 Setting the Stage 3.0 Functional Requirements 4.0 Game Design 4.1 Design Concept 4.2 Design Overview 5.0 Game Architecture 5.1 Java Object-Oriented Design 5.2 Text-Based...
  • Mahmooda Malik created a wiki page Reflection 3 January 27, 2024 - 12:14pm
    Name: Mahmooda Malik Id#: 2824531 Assignment 3 University of Athabasca   Question1:   The question asked to write a program that opens a text file and counts the whitespace-separated words in that file. The aim of the...
  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post My Java Experience November 13, 2023 - 12:41pm
    For me programming is a journey of proficiently solving problems that involves creativity and getting used of a completely unknown Jorgen. As I earlier stated that during my university years, I had to struggle and part of the reason was that I had...
  • Mahmooda Malik published a blog post Reflection 2 October 19, 2023 - 8:59pm
    Assignment2Notebook  For me programming is a journey of proficiently solving problems that involves creativity and getting used of a completely unknown Jorgen. As I earlier stated that during my university years, I had to...
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