Landing : Athabascau University


  •        I am approaching the deadline for my first major assignment in this course. After submitting the first draft of my critical review; I have had an opportunity to take a closer look at my writing. I am usually pretty...
    • Angie Abdou November 17, 2016 - 12:52pm

      Misuse of semicolon creating fragment: "After submitting the first draft of my critical review; I have had an opportunity to take a closer look at my writing." (change to comma)

      Comma splice: "I am usually pretty formal in my style of writing, I try to write in a manner that is informative but I like to try to make it my own (even if I am citing other work)." Comma splice = two complete sentences separated by a comma. Change to a period.

      Otherwise, this post is strong, clear and thorough. Good work.


  • Mariam Rasheed published a blog post MAIS 606 Week 5-7 - Workshopping my Critical Review October 22, 2016 - 4:26pm
    When it comes to revising an academic paper, revision is particularly important to me as I try to allocate as much time as possible to perfecting my work. I prefer to set aside short periods of time on different days leading up to the date of...
  •      I feel confident in both my critical reading and writing skills, however that is not to say that there is not any room for improvement. When reading, I take my time to make sure I understand what the author is trying to...
    • Angie Abdou November 17, 2016 - 12:46pm

      Okay, Mariam, I've read this now and we're back on track. It's too bad I wouldn't have received it back in September when you wrote it, as the grammar corrections would have been useful for your assignment. Nonetheless, butter late than never. For the most part, it is a clear blog, but you should review your use of commas and semicolons.

      For example:

      "however"cannot join two words: change the comma here to a semicolon - "I feel confident in both my critical reading and writing skills, however that is not to say that there is not any room for improvement." (comma splice)

      This semicolon is misused and creates a fragment (change to comma) - "If there is anything I don't understand or it has not been explained clearly; I will pause and reread or try to take the time to look it up from another source if necessary."


  • Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated!
  • After completely the pre-course test, I realized that after a few years away from school my writing skills have become a bit rusty. Although, I have been writing for personal and professional purposes, I have not utilized many of the important...
    • Angie Abdou September 21, 2016 - 9:32am

      Good start, Mariam.  A clear and thorough post. I'm happy to report you have no dangling/misplaced modifiers and no wordiness.

      In the second sentence, delete the comma after "Although," - with although clauses, only put a comma at the end of the whole clause (i.e. the comma you have later in the sentence).

      Here you have a vague pronoun (it) - " I plan to improve upon this by taking the time to read my work out loud and ensuring that the modifiers are as close that they can be to the word and also that it clearly applies to that word or group of words." 

      Above you start with plural (modifiers, they) and then switch to singular it part way through the sentence. (also "as close that" should be "as close as").

      Here you have switched word order - "In academic writing, is it important" is it should be it is.

      Good start.


    • Mariam Rasheed September 28, 2016 - 12:57pm

      Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated!