Landing : Athabascau University


  • I'm quickly learning that there is a serious plus side to having an actual librarian to guide me through this project, as opposed to the original plan of working with the magazine's copyright holder. Turns out making an index is complicated shit,...
    • sarah beth April 5, 2012 - 11:50am

      Thanks, Josh! Of course I'm curious to hear about all five, but I'll let you decide whether you have the time and energy to describe all of them just for the sake of my curiosity. 

      In your comment on my grant proposal, you mentioned some ideas that, in my remedial Googling, led to nonrepresentational approaches. I have to say, I really didn't grasp much of it. It sounded neat, though, and what I could grasp seemed on target. I would like to hear more about the post-structuralist approach, too, which will maybe be more familiar to me. And I don't know enough about the other three to know whether they'd be useful or not, so I think I'm better off trusting your judgment there. 


      If I set the permissions for the group right, you should be able to write the summary as a separate blog post, wiki, or bookmark -- whichever best suits the explanation you have in mind. That will be easier to link to for reference in future blog posts, or to cite in my paper and presentation, than finding it in the comments. (As far as I know, I can't link to a specific comment.)

    • Joshua Evans April 17, 2012 - 8:41am

      I would like to write on all five because the content could possibly migrate into an undergraduate or MA-IS course at some point in the future. I will start with post-structuralist and non-representational.

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  • sarah beth uploaded the file "Dirt Bag" [NOT safe for work / kids] April 1, 2012 - 4:56pm
    Last time I used this image for research, I linked to the site, but now the site is down. "Dirt Bag" is an image from the feminist pornographic production _Bag Ladies_, directed by Stellla Kowolsky and BJ Pink. Reproduced with permission.
  • “The Expulsion of Sex Workers from Vancouver’s West End, 1975-1985: A Cautionary Tale” Long reputed to be the “prostitution capital of Canada,” Vancouver, British Columbia has been at the centre of legal and political...
  • sarah beth commented on a wiki page titled Sex work in the context of "the neoliberal university" March 23, 2012 - 5:46pm
    ahahaha... they looked so terrified when I told them about it. But then no one complained about the shower scene in the movie clip!
  • Operation Snatch’s Queer Performance Art and (Sex) Working Class Politics Sarah Mann (Athabasca University) Dr. Margot Francis (Brock University)   Scope Since 2001, The Scandelles, recently renamed Operation Snatch (OS), have made...
  • Pandora’s Box: Pornography, Sex Work, and Archives – Learning Contract Sarah M MAIS 760 Supervisors: CLGA (indexing project), Mark McCutcheon (course)   This project investigates the construction of queers’ and sex...
    • Anonymous December 24, 2014 - 10:06am

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  • I should be writing something else right now, but I'm on a train and I'm just a tad motion sick, so I'm going with the less-challenging task of making space for my upcoming research project.    The project I'm working on is an index for...
  • sarah beth commented on the blog We're Back! And - Boxie? January 15, 2012 - 5:31pm
    You sound do happy to be back in civilization! I followed your blog posts while you were waiting anxiously to move. Congratulations!