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  • Syed Yazdan published a blog post Logical Connections January 20, 2012 - 7:52am
    As I received back my 6th assignment marked, I was identified with having a problem in the logical construction of sentences. It has a definite link with the use of transitional words, the area I am struggling with for the last few assignments. What...
  • Syed Yazdan published a blog post English 143 Textbook and My Particular Problems of Writing January 9, 2012 - 9:03am
    "Spotlight on Sentence and Paragrapgh Skills" by Carole Anne May is not only compact but also exact in addressing the nature of problems in studying English as a second language. It would have been more useful if it had included ESL sections,...
  • Syed Yazdan published a blog post Transitional Words January 6, 2012 - 3:12am
    I received back my 4th assignment marked and evaluated. I have been identified having problems in using transitional words, words that are used to keep the continuity of paragraph. These words play a part in connecting two sentences to make a...
  • Syed Yazdan published a blog post A Lesson That I learned January 4, 2012 - 7:17pm
    When I received my 3rd assignment marked and evaluated I could not believe I have commited a mistake that entails a lesson so common that even a child of class 5th wont forget, and that is before submitting your assignment check what is required of...
  • Syed Yazdan published a blog post Summarizing Narrarive Passages December 8, 2011 - 2:24pm
    While summarizing narratives we come across certain difficulties i.e. refering to first person pronoun, dialouge as sourse of conveying things to readers to name a few. It can be understood in an another way and that is, if you imgaine a...
  • Syed Yazdan published a blog post Usage of a language. Academic vs Everyday October 2, 2011 - 7:46pm
    This is my first blog and I can't help writing about the epistemological problem I come across whenever I study English as a language. Everyday usage of a language and its academic orientation differ at a great lenght in English. If we look at other...
  • Syed Yazdan posted on Syed Yazdan's message board October 2, 2011 - 7:07pm
    Everyday usage of a language and its academic orientation differ at a great lenght in English. If we look at other languages that we know, in my case Urdu, it is not that a big gap. How one can understand this. Is it a matter of using a language...
  • Syed Yazdan has a new avatar October 2, 2011 - 6:40pm
    Syed Yazdan