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    Unit 6 Reflection

    By Brent Beaudry December 26, 2020 - 2:28pm
    I decided to use unit 6 to incorporate an engaging cursor follower to make the cursor easier to track and more interesting to the main client: kids. I wanted an emoji to follow the mouse pointer. I found a great example of code at...
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    Unit 5 Reflection

    By Brent Beaudry December 26, 2020 - 2:27pm
    I have some experience in web development, although it was briefly a few years ago, so I have a little experience with Javascript already. I have also completed COMP268 (Intro to Java) and COMP266 (Intro to C++) so using programming language is not...
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    Unit 4 - JS

    By Calvin Carley in the group COMP 266 December 21, 2020 - 12:35pm
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    I chose a timer for my JavaScript. My personas do not have a lot of time and are typically stressed or anxious already. Having to “set a timer” is an extra step, possible causing more stress or panic as they are currently not able to...
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    Unit 7 proposal

    By Brent Beaudry December 21, 2020 - 9:06am
    The only API I can think of to integrate to a site such as I am building is the Google Maps API, to incorporate into an activity, and even that is questionable due to the security and privacy requirements. My proposal is to use Google Maps API in an...
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    Unit 1: Site Design

    By Mipam Lauder in the group COMP 266 December 20, 2020 - 2:50pm
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    It took me a bit to decide on the general outline for the site. I’m not very visually creative, so I have trouble picturing exactly how the site will look in the end. I decided on splitting up Vancouver Island into 5 different sections and...
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    Unit 6 proposal

    By Brent Beaudry December 19, 2020 - 12:40pm
    The jQuery idea is simply to make a custom cursor that will be interesting and engaging to the client. It will be styled using css, and will be larger and more colorful, which will be much more engaging to the typical client of the site. For the...
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    Unit 5 Javascript design

    By Brent Beaudry December 19, 2020 - 10:13am
    The ideas for javascript are interactive activities for students that focus on grammar and vocabulary skills for young students, one of the three primary demographics for the site. 1)      the first activity to be called...
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    AWS Educate - On Demand vs Spot

    By Gerald Abshez December 16, 2020 - 1:33pm
    Here's a short bit about on demand vs. spot instances, and management of "credits" on AWS Educate in general. First, the thing to remember is that the service is giving you a certain amount of credit for free, which is awesome and I'm thankful for,...
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    Unit 5: Java Script programming design

    By Khurshid Sadiq December 16, 2020 - 11:02am
    Pakistan National Anthemvar myMusic= document.getElementById("music");function play() {;}function...
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    COMP 361 - Assignment 5: Reflection

    By Youssef Girgeis November 29, 2020 - 5:52pm
    . I found this assignment to be the easiest among all the assignments of this course

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