Landing : Athabascau University

Assignment 8 Feedback

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By Dimitre Todorov February 16, 2012 - 7:51am Comments (1)

Assignment 8 was definitely challenging. The explanation of Romanticism in the lessons was very good but I struggled to relate this information when it came to composing the assay. I clearly understood the definition mode of writing an assay and all the good examples in unit 8. The assignment structure was little easier to create, since it was the second time doing that. The exercises in the unit were very helpful and made me understand better the language structure. I feel more confident than before but still need to learn a lot and most important how to apply my knowledge when it come to writing an essay. I am looking forward to the last assay in the course and hope to achieve my best result.


  • Cara Gratton March 5, 2012 - 8:06pm

    Hi Dimitre,

    You're staying positive which is often half the battle as we learn new information. Keep on writing!