Landing : Athabascau University

BLOG SIX - Gendered Academic Writing

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By Fatima Atique April 20, 2015 - 12:05pm

Gendered Academic Writing

Gender biases have always affected academic writing especially the female writers who have undergone the ordeal of gender inequality with gender based writing and academics. Therefore analyzing this problem involves studying the impacts on the society as well as reviewing the historical context. Females have been marginalized and treated badly by males; a good example is in North America in which the issue of gender inequality and biasness was very prevalent until the creation of law to change the methodology towards female author which had to change drastically.

The identity of females and the American culture had to change since women were the greatest contributors to change. This article is very relevant because women had to take responsibilities outside their home rather than just getting involved in house duties and having nothing to produce to the nation with the main problem of being submissive to their counterparts. It reveals how women became very prominent people and being very productive professionals with time in the society. The female academic writing brought to light the plight of women in the society and the state of being equal and being able to do better things than most men in the society.

They had to help re-write the gender academic norms outlined in the world and be able to narrow the gaps about gender which made women to be very successful writers in American history. It was also a part of history that women always made the best academic teachers in the world hence creating an educational norm which had to be adhered to by society members. Therefore, understanding the historical context of female writer is very important in developing writing styles as well as the advancement of females in writing than the male counterparts. It is also very important to note that pace and timing was a very important discipline in which women mostly prospered successfully.

Females should mostly be represented in academic fields since they seem to outsmart most males in both reading and writing at earlier stages in life. They should not continue being discriminated against as academic writers since they have organized argument among gender writing which is very helpful fro the development in many institutions. Females have also been realized to use double clauses when writing regarding a syntax complexity than males. They have stronger sentence structures and the use of stronger references which offsets the overall cohesiveness of gender writing. This is actually very much important consideration in terms of academic writing and women should always be given much priority and never to be despised.

Since there are no differences when using direct quotations or even when paraphrasing, in the use of ideas and even the concepts in academic writing, it is realized that females use rather strong use of arguments and the structural organization s and the patterns of writing evidence and objections. Males have been realized to bounce back and fourth while writing certain evidence and an argument. Females actually outshine males since they have more complex and better organized arguments than their counterparts.

In online writing styles, the look at movie reviews of male and female is a very important one in identification of writing skills and the look at gender neutrality hence focus on writing styles and the richness in vocabulary and lexical markers which are very much important in the reviews. Females also describe color in details more than males because females are keen on relation-building techniques while men use information based writing and communication styles. Te imbalanced gender participation is not usually significant and therefore utilization of previous study is very important.

The gender biasness in most institutions such as the institutions of higher learning is not actually fair. Take for example in an engineering class where females are much fewer than men and even in terms of job employment, the women are subject to lower salaries as compare to males, this is very wrong and the issue should be looked into very seriously in order to promote gender sensitivity an equality among people. Females may have the same credentials as males but may not be considered for a job unlike males, institutions should never hold unintentional social inequality norms which are specific to academic employment.

The society therefore should be able to re think and re organize the traditional education history so that it can be able to develop and strengthen academic writing and women should always be given priority as men in various disciplines which will bring change to our society. This is very important for the survival of our community and the reduction of biasness and discrimination which as really spoilt our nation thereby weakening our development strengths. This article has been very important in analyzing such issues related to gender inequality and it is very beneficial to readers who may want to change their perspectives and mindsets.