Landing : Athabascau University

Looking forward to blog writing

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By Surjit Atwal May 20, 2015 - 12:54pm

I am looking forward to writing this blog, because in the past I have been able to use writing to keep my emotions in check. I worked in a job where I could not talk to many people because of privacy issues related to the work, but it was a very high stress environment.  So I started using the writing process in that way, to help control my emotions so I could continue the job.  When I put it on paper, I felt that I had dealt with it somehow, so I could get up and go to work. I knew that each time I had frustrations, even though I didn't have many people to talk to, I could write it down and feel better.  Normally, I talk things out. I am much more of a talker and I generally call people to get some assistance.  It was only when I couldn't talk things out that I discovered the writing process could do basically the same thing. The writing got me through a very stressful period. 

I want to discover through this process the passion of liking to write, not just the need to write.  I want to write because I want to, not because I have to.  I want to discover a passion for writing. I have lived a roller-coaster life with a lot of ups and downs and I think that sharing my experiences could encourage other people to accomplish things in life. For that next step in my life, I need to write and I need to discover the passion to write. Right now I would rather communicate orally with people than through the writing process. I am really excited about this process as a way to learn to write.