Landing : Athabascau University


  • Surjit Atwal published a blog post Further thoughts as a result of the literature review July 31, 2015 - 4:42pm
    I am still thinking about one of the sources that I have used in my literature review.  Thaiss (465) says he appreciates the courtesy of a Greek writer sending something to him in his language even though she could have written better in her...
  • Surjit Atwal published a blog post Literature review July 24, 2015 - 9:15pm
    I have just finished the draft of my literature review. Even though it was a small assignment in terms of the length, it has been the most challenging to do. For a 2000 word document, it has taken me a whole month to do.  The style of writing...
    • Jon Gordon July 27, 2015 - 8:13pm

      Identifying if and when to insert your own voice in a piece is an important part of undertaking a rhetorical analysis, so I'm glad to see that you've done that for this assignment.

  • Surjit Atwal published a blog post How I am going to use 606 to build up my thesis project June 23, 2015 - 11:27pm
    How I am going to use 606 to build up my thesis projectThis course has influenced the way I am going to look at other courses from now on.  This course has taught me to write in a way that I wasn’t comfortable writing before and it has...
  • I have learned from having to read the article several times.  Reviewing the article a second time, I realized that if I had followed the details of the article better the first time, I would have agreed with them more than I did when I wrote...
    • Jon Gordon June 22, 2015 - 10:08am

      I like your point about the change in the view of writing not being practiced "on the ground"; change happens slowly and the new model is still not being widely taught "on the ground."

  • When I was preparing for the first assignment, I read the article “Inventing the University” by David Bartholomae. It got me thinking about my writing process during my time as an undergraduate student. Bartholomae says that students...
    • Jon Gordon June 10, 2015 - 8:27pm

      You might be interested in Nancy Sommers and Laura Saltz's article "The Novice as Expert" which also builds on Bartholomae's ideas and argues that writing is a way for students to transition from being novices in an academic discipline to becoming more expert.

  • Surjit Atwal published a blog post Looking forward to blog writing May 20, 2015 - 12:54pm
    I am looking forward to writing this blog, because in the past I have been able to use writing to keep my emotions in check. I worked in a job where I could not talk to many people because of privacy issues related to the work, but it was a very...