Landing : Athabascau University

How I am going to use 606 to build up my thesis project

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By Surjit Atwal June 23, 2015 - 11:27pm

How I am going to use 606 to build up my thesis project
This course has influenced the way I am going to look at other courses from now on.  This course has taught me to write in a way that I wasn’t comfortable writing before and it has also taught me to read in a different fashion.  I don’t take anything at face value any more.  I am looking at everything using a more critical reading method, asking whether the argument stands up.  This is going to influence everything I do from now on, from how I read to how I interact with people. 
This course is going to help me not just in the next few courses but in how I develop my project for the MAIS 701 thesis project.  The course  has given me the building blocks to write.  The two assignments in the course are the two main components of a thesis, critical review and a literature review.   I have never written a thesis but I know it is going to ask me to review literature on my chosen topic of equity, so writing the literature review should build up my skills because I have done very few literature reviews.  The main purpose of a thesis is to come up with original ideas, or original arguments if you agree with the literature.  Reading critically for the first assignment in this course, I was able to come up with original ideas by comparing the argument in the article to what I knew from my own life.  In my thesis I want to be able to look critically at what I read and what I have done in the community for social justice to be able to see what stands up academically.  I want to refine what I did in the community to take it forward on a bigger scale to fight for equity.
This course has given me the confidence to move forward. Already, in the seven weeks of this course, I am starting to get over my writing phobia.  When I first started my undergraduate courses I used to hate any writing assignment in any course.  In my one English course, at the end of my second year, the professor taught me to make a road map for what I was going to include in my paper.  If I started with a road map, then any time I got confused about what I was doing, I could go back to my road map.  This was the first step away from writing phobia.  Writing for MAIS 601 started me learning the academic vocabulary and style and that helped reduce the phobia.  Then the first article we read in this course told me that other students have the same awkward feelings about writing that I do.  Going forward I am not going to have the same angst about writing even a big project like a thesis because now I know how to break it into manageable pieces.