Landing : Athabascau University

BT Week 10 - Globalization

Bozena Tkaczyk
  • Public
By Bozena Tkaczyk in the group COMP 607: Fall 2015 cohort December 1, 2015 - 8:44pm

Information Technologies and globalization are tightly linked; it is this connnection that is propelling globalization at ever increasing speed.  Information Technologies have created a “border-less” flow of information and capital more possible by introducing new modes of global integration, thus enabling globalization to move forward in ways unimaginable a few decades ago. Technologies, which twenty or thirty years ago seemed like mere science fiction, are being used by ordinary people each and every day.

Many technological advances have transformed economic and social structures in both developed as well as developing nations throughout the world. This has opened up new possibilities for collaboration, making it easier for people to both exchange as well as build on ideas. People can collaborate on projects with others living in distant places, allowing for different cultures to exchange their knowledge, ideas and perspectives while creating a synthetis never before possible on such a scale. People are able to work from anywhere in the world and are no longer tied down to one location. This enables the opening up of various perspectives and ways of being, which in turn makes the work that they do more whole and universal. 

Improvements in computer hardware, software and telecommunications have increased access to information and allowed for the development of ideas and products in ways that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. New capablilities in the communication and processing of information, including advances in fiber optics, microprocessors and memory chips, just to name a few, have increased the speed, processing capacity and storage capabilities of vast quanitities of information. Such advances have revolutionized telecommunications networks and allowed for a seamless exchange of information allowing ever more people access to technologies.

Products based upon or enhanced by Information Technology are used in nearly every aspect of life in contemporary society. The use of the Internet was once restricted to scientists and a small percentage of technologically advanced individuals. Today, more people than ever before rely on the Internet to carry out their daily life functions. Many everyday tasks, which had once been done in person, are now done online, including banking, shopping, communication, as well as leisure and entertainment. Furthermore, with the advent of smart phones, people are connected to the Internet regardless of whether they are sitting at their computer or not. No longer does someone have to be sitting at home or work to use the Internet – they can be on the street, on a bus, or taking a walk in the park.

The influence of the Internet on commerce has also been astounding. By introducing new ways for businesses and their clients to interact, it has created countless new approaches to both spending as well as making money. People have the opportunity to be fully intergrated into the world’s economy without ever having to leave their homes. The Internet has allowed for companies to better manage the details of production, advertising and markets, and has enabled potential employees and employers to find one another.

Another facet of daily life that has been transformed by the Internet is the news industry. With the introduction of various social platforms, websites, chat rooms, instant messaging systems, e-mail, electronic bulletin boards and other Internet-based communication systems, the flow of news has been made easier and more wide-spread. Additionally, the Internet has enabled education to evolve, reaching far greater numbers of people than ever before.

Information Technologies have made it possible for globalization to progress at an ever increasing rate, blurring national boundries and eradicating physical space which once stood in the way of the flow of both products as well as financial resources.