Landing : Athabascau University

Unit 1 - Site Design

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By Joshua Blondeau May 1, 2016 - 12:56pm Comments (1)

Unit 1 – Learning Diary

  Unit 1 - Site DesignSite Design - Unit 1


What I've done

I came into this with no idea what I wanted my site to be about. I chose a fan site because the content should be relatively easy to acquire and sounded like fun. The Toronto Blue Jays have been enjoying an increase in popularity since their 2015 postseason run and I decided I would like to keep up with the team this year while completing COMP266. I made the design as simple as possible to allow time for lots of shine. Most of my pages will be very similar so I think that will help me churn out the content for it. I found http:\\ to be a useful tool for designing diagrams so after playing with paint for too long, I used it to design my site map.


Why I've done it

I've decided that sports fans are not necessarily the most technical minded individuals but of course exceptions do exist. For that reason I want my site to be easy to navigate and hard to get lost. My personas reflect the type of people that will be comfortable with it's classic design and willing to explore. The one exception was Pavel but he can still get what he wants out of the website without having to click around the pages. Trinity is visually stimulated with photos of the players while Anabella, Steven and Jeremy can get the information they need quickly and easily.


How I've done it

My themes and purpose is laid out in the opening page of my submission. An easy to navigate and sleek webpage showcasing the Toronto Blue Jays. The personas taught me that not everyone wants the same thing out of a website. Scenarios helped me to develop my personas to begin with. I had the scenarios in mind before contemplating the personas behind them. The mockup and site designs I found pretty fun to do. They clearly show my intentions for what I want the site to look like and how it will be structured.


What went well

I didn't have too much trouble getting started on this one. The instructions and requirements were laid out in a simple manner and I found it helpful to see what other students were submitting. I had some fun doing this part of the course and I'm looking forward to getting started on Unit 2.


What didn't

One thing I had to put some research into was the legal use of Major League Baseball's trademarked logo for the Toronto Blue Jays. I found that it is not my legal right to display the logo in any way or form without permission. I have emailed Major League Baseball for permission and I'm still discovering whether it will be worth the trouble. In any case I'll learn something about gaining permission for trademarked images.


Next time

Next time I might make my website about something that doesn't belong to someone else. I understand that Major League Baseball is a large money making corporation and they must make moves to protect their legal property. I might make a website about something I own or isn't guarded with such legal fervour next time around.


  • Joshua Blondeau May 1, 2016 - 3:36pm

    After receiving feedback, I will add a contact page to the site. This will enable me to add a form for users to email me insults and issues they might have with the quality or accessibility. The contact page is also the easiest way to fulfill my requirements for the course ;)