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  • How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition (2000)

How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition (2000)

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By Jon Dron February 1, 2007 - 3:07pm Comments (1) An interesting free book from The National Academies Press, which offers more than 3000 books online for free.

The book is a good intro to the subject, but what is particularly interesting from my perspective is the innovative and elegant way that the books on this site are presented. As well as a comprehensive range of navigation controls, each chapter has a 'skim' option, which presents a couple of paragraphs with the option to continue reading the page if it piques your interest. This is a great way to provide control to the reader and fits perfectly with my theory of transactional control (buy the book - ISBN: 1599043904), providing an exemplary model of how to build static hypertexts with different needs for control in mind. Unfortunately, it appears that the paragraphs shown are selected by the program, so they are far from always relevant: in fact, an apparent glitch in the system means that it selects empty 'paragraphs' from blank pages, with the offer to read more on that page. Good for a book on philosophy, but clearly needs tweaking!
Created:Thu, 01 Feb 2007 22:07:19 GMT

By: Jon Dron
Posted: February 1, 2007, 3:07 pm
