Landing : Athabascau University

TLSTN: looking forward

My experience of multiple connectivities and con-activities  in the TLSTN course seem to scramble the question about a Most Useful Tool. Is a gear shift more useful than a steering wheel? You need both to drive a car. Here, different tools suit different teaching needs. I wouldn't introduce a course on the wire, but I would publicize it that way. The closest equivalent to "the car" of my analogy would be the Group function, which still seems best suited to house a given course, since it hosts the suite of all other apps, as a microcosm of the Landing itself.

Having played with the Landing before the TLSTN course—developing some course content that has languished with inattention while I read and wrote up on social media—I have no intention to abandon it. It's high time to revisit the Group placeholder for my course-in-progress here, and get an overdue Phase 3 into circulation. I hope to keep learning from everyone who posts here (and I hope to see less of my own smug face on the main Wire feed).

And I log in daily to stay connected. To welcome more colleagues and students into the Landing, I've put the following line in my e-mail signature:

Find me at AU's social network:

Lastly, as one gesture to realize the much-discussed, après-course continuation of learning in social networks, a project I would invite any other interested TLSTN participants to join me in undertaking is a TLSTN bibliography, a page housed at the TLSTN Group. (A running topic through the course has pitted aggregation versus navigation, and it seems I can't shake my traditional teaching compulsions to centralize and organize learning resources.) I can see individual and institutional uses for such a bibliography: from informing personal research interests, to structuring grad-student qualifying exams, in an area of study that's not only still emerging, but also rapidly changing, growing more familiar while yet more strange all the time.


  • George Siemens June 14, 2010 - 2:32pm

    Hi Mark - thanks for your reflections/thoughts wrt the Landing. Getting into the habit of a daily login, as you note, helps to get a sense of what's happening in AU.

    As more people get involved in the Landing, the more useful the site becomes. 

    Great idea, btw, on your email tag line!
