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The Post-Modern Chimpanzee's Guide to Parenting

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By Meaghan Peuramaki-Brown October 13, 2016 - 11:03am

Take a listen to this great "Ideas" episode from last week, which features a great discussion regarding the position of Primatology as both a science and humanities/social science discipline.

Evolutionary anthropologist and University of Toronto PhD student Iulia Badescu spent 11 months camped out in a Ugandan jungle to observe baby chimpanzees and their parents -- and babysitters! She was surprised to find there's a much wider range of childcare styles than have previously been documented. Some chimps weaned earlier than others. Mothers took advantage of babysitting offers from other members of the community, including adult males, who might traditionally be considered a threat. Her observations shifted her gaze towards scientists themselves, and how they tend to filter what they see based on their own cultural assumptions. She turns to philosophers Nietzsche and Derrida who encourage her to examine the strengths and limitations of science, including her own research.