Landing : Athabascau University

Group members: this is the place for your learning diary. Use this to post your zipped-up site at least once each unit, and your reflections as often as you wish (at least once per unit). Please write your reflections directly in the post, not as attached files. Where you do need to attach documents, such as for unit 1 designs, use PDF, PNG or JPG formats. You can attach files using the 'Embed content' link in the editor.

QUICK COURSE LINKS:  Add blog post - Read latest group postsFAQs: Course process : Site design : HTML : CSS : JavaScript : JQuery : AJAX : MiscPodcasts for each unit

Updated resource pages:  Unit 1 - Unit 2  - Unit 3Units 4 & 5 - Unit 6 - Unit 7

mportant notice: the student web server is unavailable. Until this is fixed, we do not require you to upload your site to the student server. See Running a web server on your local machine for details of how to meet the requirements for the final unit

Unit 1 - Learning Diary and PDF submission

  • Public
By Mats Phillips in the group COMP 266 November 9, 2016 - 2:57pm

  Work for this Unit:


                Made 3 personas

                Made 7 scenarios

                Made a site map

                Added scenario paths to the map

                Made a site Mock-up, including the main page, and all of the major sub-pages


How I have met the Learning Outcomes:

  • identify the potential audience and purpose for a website.

            I have made 3 personas to identify the potential audience, and I have answered these questions:

What kind of audience is it intended for?

                People interested in cubing. It is intended to give them a one-stop site with all important and relevant information on cubing they would ever need. My motivation is to make something useful to increase the amount of enjoyment people get out of cubing, as well as introducing them to types of cubing they didn’t know about. I wanted this mostly because my family has made some discoveries about the Rubik’s cube that no-one else has made, and think it’s important for others to find this and other interesting information in one place.

What kind of people will visit it?

                Rubik’s cube solvers

Why will they want to come there?

                To learn about Rubik’s cube facts and other related puzzles, such as different methods of solving the cube, proofs of concepts about the cube, fastest times of solving the cube, and different cube brands available.

Will it be formal or informal?


Is it about a particular thing, or idea, or product, or social group, or hobby, or subject you want to learn about?

                Yes, the Rubik’s cube, and other related puzzles

More importantly, why does it matter to you?

                Because it is fun to solve and work with.


  • use a simple but structured process to identify how the website will address the needs of the anticipated audience

            I have made 7 scenarios that give structured processes of how the anticipated audience will address their needs with the website. I also took into account the constraints users might have:

Other considerations and concerns such as legal, social, organizational, and contextual constraints.

Anyone with a regular web browser on a Macintosh, Windows, or Linux operating system still supported should be able to use the website without problems. People with slower computers might have problems with the sight since it will likely have animations and 3d models of the Rubik’s cube.

People using mobile devices also might have a problem visiting, since the 3d models and animations will not work on the mobile browsers. But if the website is configured to detect if someone is visiting from a handheld device, it can send a mobile version of the site to them.

Since the Rubik’s Cube company does not and cannot restrict usage or display of their Rubik’s Cube product, I can publicize it and show illustrations of the cube on my site.





Went well:

The site map and mock-up pages went well, as it was fun, easy to imagine and implement, and gather needed resources to make.

Didn’t go well:

The personas and scenarios, as I had a hard time finding pictures, places, and occupations for each of the persons, and then it was hard to think of a backstory for each of them. The purposes of visiting the site was easy to imagine, though.

What was most difficult and why:

The personas were most difficult, as I had trouble thinking up what names, locations, jobs, and pictures to give them. It was also hard to think up of a realistic backstory for them, since I had to fit criteria like jobs available in their location and their personality.

If done again, would it be done differently and why:

I don’t think I would do it differently, since I thought this was the best method I knew of to do it quickly and with good enough quality.

How did previous experience help/hinder completing the tasks:

My previous experience with making diagrams and maps helped me to make the site map, since I knew what tools and structure worked for the map I was planning.

Most surprising thing learned:

Very little is needed on a website, as all I needed to add most of the time was the top menu and the content in a simple single structure.

Most useful thing learned:

I only need to make about 15 pages for the entire website, and now that I know the structure, implementing the code will be much easier.

What I learned about myself:

I like writing stories about people, but I dislike having to research constraining features like location and occupation. Thinking of all the characteristics and reasoning behind different people is fun for me, but having to go through government and city records not knowing exactly where the information is feels as if it could be a complete waste of time, since I have no idea when or if I will find the information I need.

Personas, Scenarios, Site Maps, and Mock-up:Unit 1 Personas, Scenarios, Map, and Mock-up.pdf

NOTE: IMAGE CITATION: All images used I found by looking in Yahoo Image search. I forgot to save the links to where they came from.