Population (P)
Affluence (A)
Technology (T)
Highlights of the I=PAT Model
Overlooked Aspects of the I=PAT Model
The I=PAT model is helpful in highlighting broad factors contributing to food and water insecurity, especially population growth, affluence, and technology. However, it overlooks critical aspects like equitable resource distribution, political and social influences, environmental feedback loops, and regional differences. To fully understand and address food and water insecurity, these additional factors should be considered alongside the I=PAT framework.
Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2018). Chapter 2: Ecological materialities of the global economy. In Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 34–55). Routledge.
Peppard, C. (2013, February 14). Fresh water scarcity: An introduction to the problem. TED-Ed.
Rasolt, D. (2021, January 29). Drought, disease and isolation: The urgent situation of the Wayuu in La Guajira, Colombia. Weave News.
Smil, V. (2002). Chapter 5: Water and material flows. In The Earth’s biosphere: Evolution, dynamics, and change (pp. 123–130). Cambridge: MIT Press.
Sultana, F. (2018). Water justice: Why it matters and how to achieve it. Water International, 43(4), 483–493.
The Hydrological Cycle and Water Management Commentary. (n.d.).
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