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Lecture Series: Athabasca University Centre for World Indigenous Knowledge and Research

The Centre for World Indigenous Knowledge and Research would like to extend an invitation to our new Speaker’s Series called Kiskinwahatoyak  “teaching each other” – each month (except July and August) we will host two Elders to discuss what reconciliation means and how the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action can impact education.  This month we are pleased to host Elder Pauline Paulsen and Claire Kibbler.
RSVP: contact Ivy Lalonde at or (780) 428-2064
June 2, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Athabasca University
Peace Hills Trust Tower
10011-109 Street
12th Floor, Room 1222
Edmonton, AB.
This series will be a dialogue starting with Elders (Indigenous and non - Indigenous) discussing what reconciliation means to them.  As part of the introductory discussion, the Calls to Action, as they relate to the field of Education will be reviewed.  As the series progresses, the dialogue will bring in local youth to discuss the future of education in a time of reconciliation and how they see the future unfolding for them.   This will be an ongoing discussion on what “Indigenization” and “Reconciliation” means in today’s world and how universities, knowledge holders and their students can work towards the fruition of the TRC’s recommendations. 
