Landing : Athabascau University

The Importance of the Research Question (and how to discover yours)

Reblogged from Anuja Cabraal:

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The other night, I was having a chat to my father about research and methods. He is an academic in engineering, and very much a positivist. I really enjoy discussions with him about research methods and measurement because he approaches thing from such a different perspective. One of the things I love is that even though we can be talking about the same topic, he will always be asking questions I would never think to.

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Some of the best questions come from I wonder. It's important to avoid why questions. Questions must of course be open-ended, but not too open-ended. Maybe questions answer the "To see or not to see" aspect of research and thus make all the difference.

By: SheriO
Posted: April 5, 2013, 7:08 pm
