Hello All,
My name is orlando amd I'm registered for biol 325 March 13-16. I'm kindly asking if anyone is able to assist me with a ride leaving from athabasca on friday 16th to Calgary ideally but if this is not possible Edmonton greyhound station will also work. I'm able to assit with gas, driving and provide great company. My contact info is 2506403870 or email: orlandomcleish@gmail.com. thanks much and looking forward to meeting you all.
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Hi Orlando
I am Elaine, the Lab Manager at AU. Nice to see your post, I thought I would tell you that half the class looks like they are from Edmonton or farther south so your chances of getting a ride should be good even if you don't hear from anyone at this time. I am looking forward to meeting you when you come up to Athabasca.
thanks much Elaine and looking forward to meeting you too.
My name is Amanda. I am also looking for a ride from Edmonton to Athabasca for this lab. If you have room, text or email me at 587-596-5588 or awatt@ualberta.ca