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First Elluminate session for 605

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By Terry Anderson September 10, 2008 - 11:00am Comments (1)

Well I survived the first Elluminate session -with but a few hickups. Maybe by writing them down, it will inspire me to make sure they don't happen again!!

I first panicked when I realized that I didn't have the login for the moderator - Elluminate gives two URLs one for 'participants" and one with much more power (like being able to turn the recorder on) as moderator. For a change this time I had decided to let the usual systems at AU book my Elluminate sessions. I was the person who brought Elluminate to Athabasca, on a research grant 5 years ago, and so was used to setting up my own sessions, but I thoight well now that it is institutionalized, I better use the service- big mistake!!

I eventually found the email from Mickey with the URL for the moderator, but of course when I signed in it assumed my name was Mickey McGregor and I really didn't want to take on a new identity for the first class. So, I decided to logon as a participant, (using a different instance of Elluminate on the same machine) then switch back to Mickey and promote myself to a moderator - and it worked, but by then about 15 minutes of my 30 minutes setup time was gone. Next to load the Slides - and of course it stalled the first time, I assumed that it was becuase I was using a Mac, so franticaly began the process of starting up my old PC, transferring files etc, but I decided to try one more time and lo and behold it worked. ahhh.....Cool..

So 10 minutes to show time and I was ready - but where were the students?????? I was all dressed up but nowhere to go!Foot in mouth

I checked back on the Moodle site and see that Mickey had put in the wrong URL to the calendar grrr.......Frown So I logged in to that course and copied to the clipboard the correct link and a bit to my surpise the link was live and folks were able to relogin to the correct site Smile 

Anyways, it seemed to work, I returned to the correct site as correctly named moderator and I think we had a pretty good class!  I even got the polling and the application sharing to work. I hope those who weren't able to attend can see the recording!.


  • Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers September 13, 2008 - 3:31pm

    Dear Terry,

    I can relate. I was super cautious that I was not going to do all the things that had gone wrong for some of my other professors -- and it was my first Marratech session with students -- outside of training -- which went well -- except I had to check out "how to record". -- I did that and then I was there waiting.  But I did not want to put the record on too early as there would be a bunch of wasted space -- and then, of course the students started arriving and I was off and running -- but forgot to push the recording. I have presented a Power Point and had great discussion along the way. I said to the students that I would re-record the presentation with the power point to send to the other students -- and I stayed a long time to do that. I thought -- great -- it is recorded -- and even if the student did not have the other students' dialogues and my own dialogues with students -- at least they would have -- not just the PP -- they would have voice.  I would just copy and past the text and record it all over again. I save it -- and named it.  Then when I tried to open it -- nothing -- ziltch. I contacted my tech teacher -- and he could not open it.  I had done exactly as taught -- but nothing. So the students that attended loved it -- but the others were sent my power point -- only.  To my surprise -- they were really happen to get the PP and not one of them asked about the Marratech session itself. In my reviews -- I only got praised about how great the Marratech experience was for them. I felt exonerated. I had known that my professor felt so disappointed that he forgot to turn the record on -- and always asked students ahead of time -- to remind him. I thought I had it covered -- but I did the same thing. From now on I will use his "remind me, please, students as I'm not invincible and I really want to share this with those who cannot attend this session. I don't want to get caught up in the moment and forget to push the record, thanks." Well there's mine.


    Jo Ann