Landing : Athabascau University

What I did after my MDE

Upon completing my Master’s degree early in 2006, I had the opportunity to present my thesis results at a variety of conferences. Three camels on the way to Petra, 2006I did some presentations here in Canada (Montreal and Banff). I went to the IMCL 2006 conference in Amman, Jordan. Then, I presented at an IEEE conference in Mauritius. (Whenever I mention this to anyone, I am invariably asked where Mauritius is; it’s off the East Coast of Africa near Madagascar. And, yes, you need malaria pills to go there.) My husband and I returned circuitously via London and Paris. It was an amazing trip. Perhaps the most significant effect of these experiences was how it stimulated my interest in the Middle East and Africa. The second most significant effect was how it made me appreciate returning home. I nearly kissed the ground when we landed. The flights were long.

Upon returning, I realized how little I really know. I’ve spent so much time working and studying within structured systems. There are so many places I still want to visit and so much I want to know. So, I’ve been spending the majority of 2007 filling in the gaps in my world awareness. I have been determined to take some time off from studying and catch up on life and the world in general.

In the next few entries in this blog, I am planning on documenting some of the more interesting books I’ve read. I may even sprinkle in some tall tales from my most recent travels. The first book that I plan to start with is a book on the development of philosophical thought in Western culture. I am anxious to document it for my own purposes, and I am hoping that it might prove interesting or useful to anyone else who comes across this blog.


  • Jo Hammond-Meiers February 3, 2008 - 9:08pm

    Hi Marguerite,

    Thanks for sharing all of this. I am really enjoying your travels and thoughts -- books, etc. 

    I have traveled a lot in my past, but now I travel mostly to conferences in the U.S. or Canada or paint in Mexico or look up travel via the net or watch Anderson Cooper 's travels on TV. 

    Cheers Jo Ann