Landing : Athabascau University

Higher Education and GenX

Here is an interesting blog posting (To: American Higher Ed, Get Ready to Lose Your Innovators) that reflects a prevalent theme about higher education holding onto the traditional pedagogical approach.  The writer believes that there are things are changing because of the generational shift from baby boomers to GenX amongst many university faculty. She cites two reasons:

  1. GenXers are not afraid to take risks and change jobs to better their careers.  Baby boomers are more loyal to the employers and value the security of a job;
  2. GenXers are more technologically literate.  The are more comfortable with social networking and web 2.0 tech (eg. blogging, podcasting, online learning, ...).

No doubt the author was motivated by the fact that she is changing positions and moving on to an institution that is more supportive on online learning.  Still, I thought the generational explanation was worth noting.