Landing : Athabascau University

eportfolio ideas

I chose the course route for my Masters of Distance Eduation and I have finished all my courses since April. I have be mulling over how to do the eportfolio ever since. I know about the competencies but I am unsure about how to illustrate these?

I'm a geek, so the technical part is not a problem. I am going to use audio and video (podcasts and video clips) to build the portfolio. I am already going through an online webcast training with the Webcast Academy, to bone-up on some of the more advanced skills of podcasting.  Deciding on the organization of the e-portfolio is causing me headaches.

I don't want to summarize what I have learned from all the courses I have completed.  That would take a long time and I'm pretty sure evaluators don't want to sift through mounds of information. The point to is be as breif as possible and still fulfill the requirements and expectations of the e-portfolio option.

I'm wondering if anybody else is working on this e-portfolio option and how they are approaching it? It would be great to have a look at some completed e-portfolios to get a clearer picture of what it should look like and include.