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Why IoT sounds promising for Intelligent Curriculum

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By Hongxin Yan February 18, 2019 - 10:59am

In the context of artificial intelligence, I think intelligence can be the ability of computing devices to automate or make decisions for human by using certain algorithms on the data that are collected from environment. 

So, data is absolutely essential for artificial intelligence. The more data, the more possibilities to generate various intelligence. As IoT could produce huge amount of data, if it is exploited for education benefits, IoT does sound promising for intelligent curriculum.

People talked a lot how much convenience that IoT can bring to human’s daily life by automate something, such as utilities, devices, events, safety. So, education business would definitely share such benefits, for example, automatically turning off the light of a room when no student is there.

But, such convenience is not very relevant to intelligent curriculum. Intelligent curriculum is more about using artificial intelligence to make learning happen in a more effective, efficient, meaningful, personalized, or adaptive way. Can IoT possibly help? Definitely possibly, because it can produce much more data than just computers and smartphones. But how? Nobody knows well. Educators need research on what data really matter to learning and what data really matter to students’ privacy, and then we can decide what data should and can be collected to create the intelligent curriculum.

As Chalapathy Neti from Education Innovation IBM mentioned:

"Both learning and teaching have benefited from integrating new technologies into the educational framework. However, integration by itself does not lead to a scalable, stress-free, adaptive, and personalized learning curriculum. Artificial intelligence and adaptive interactivity techniques need to be blended to achieve this.

In an era of adaptive, connected, and artificial intelligence, the combination of cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, and psychology will thus allow us to explore the science of learning and optimize future classrooms." --