Landing : Athabascau University


During this week I explored different social network analysis tools. As I mentioned in a previous comment this is the first time I hear about this concept. Of course I knew there are many companies into the analysis of big data, however I thought only the big ones with access to expensive hardware were the only ones with this possibility.

Personaly, as I stated in my profile I'm a lot into Blockchain. However this technology is not into data analysis by itself, as it must be connected with IoT or another technology to have any relation with analytics (if needed). Which is why I was more interested into the analytics shown by SNAPP. In my case I used Netlytic and Socialbakers, out of the two I found more intuitive Netlytic and my Twitter information uploaded faster.

In my first try out I seeked something simple, #blockchain, the tool showed me all the profiles that used the hashtag and the percentage of usage.

This is a simple exercise yet it has given me a clear idea of why it's so important to transform simple data (consiered as the new natural resource most valuable) into information. For me the biggest difference is the actions taken after the data analysis, for instance, once analytics help predict the wheater, should I use a jacket? This could be trivial, but what if we're talking about leuchemia, which would the best treatment be considering an specific body? which are the odds of getting cured? Or questions like, if water has been used at an x rate, and population is increasing at a y rate, when will we run out of water, if we'll run out?

I could be as simple or as dramatic with the data being analyzed, however the answers we get from these will help us define our behavior.



  • Brad February 4, 2019 - 12:24am

    Hi Karla,

    I appreciate the emphasis that is placed on the human component of analyzing and taking action (or not) on the predictions/inferences that can be made from algorithms. One of the questions asked in the study guide is to 'detail the value of [SNA] for educators'. Given that there are quantified data (temporal, frequency, etc) that can be derived from SNA tools like Netlytic, if you were an educator in a blockchain course using a twitter hastag to augment and then assess your students' grasp of the material, do you see a strong connection between data presented by Netlytic and an assessment of learning taking place? 

  • Oluremi Oyejola March 28, 2019 - 9:54pm

    With my research on Netlytic this week, In my opinion is a great data mining tool which I prefer so much and with combination with Gephi for graphical representations I believe visualization has been achieved which makes learning easier.