Landing : Athabascau University

Assignment 6

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By Stuart Jager October 8, 2013 - 10:42am Comments (2)

            Quite honestly I was happy with both my mark with assignment 6 and the quality of my submission. I still have several areas to improve on. I am still struggling with the works cited sections as it is still a newer concept for me. Furthermore I require some work on my transition’s as I have a habit of using the same ones several times in a row and this can become tiresome for the reader. Overall I have seen some improvement in the quality of my writing and I feel that I will continue to improve over the remainder of this course. I’m looking forward to writing my next assignment as there is a lot more freedom in writing an essay, short or otherwise, then a single paragraph.


  • Aaron Kuchma October 8, 2013 - 12:57pm

    "then a signal" should be "than a single".

  • Cara Gratton October 9, 2013 - 9:02pm

    Hi Stuart,

    An essay still has a particular format to follow. While the methods of development vary, the introduction and conclusion usually follow the same pattern no matter the method of development. The text gives you some sample introductions and conclusions, so if you like a couple, practice them and you can use them again and again, different words but the same way of grabbing the attention of the reader.