Landing : Athabascau University

What Type of EduBlogger Are You? A Preliminary Assessment Tool

Author's Note: this is a draft only, I am unclear yet whether it requires a 5 point Likert scale applied to each question (where 1 is not true of me, and 5 is very true of me) The use of a likert scale yields useful data about the degree of learners' stated preferences, and may uncover contradictions that can be followed up with a dialogue between instructor and learner. Perhaps it might be preferable to have learners select only those questions that most apply to them at this time.(again, useful, especially for a preliminary placement into a learning blogspace from which they begin the edublogging.)


This learner assessment survey will help identify learners' blogging preferences and expectations.


1. I want to blog for myself.

2. I don't want others to view my private blog posts.

3. I want to share my ideas with others.

4. I would prefer to have a choice to participate in group work as an anonymous contributor.

5. I don't really care if I get feedback; it would be nice, but I won't be deflated without any.

6. I want my own space to draft ideas.

7. I want to share resources with others.

8. I prefer to blog for a small number of peers who read and comment on my work, and I follow their blogs too.

9. I read a lot of different blogs and follow a few select blogs as RSS feeds.

10. I wonder if other learners will read and reply to my ideas on my blog.

11. I would like to share my stories and experiences with a small group of other learners.

12. I want to have a space I can use later for professional purposes (portfolio, resume, etc.)

13. I want to engage in debate and engage others in stimulating discussions about ideas.

14. I prefer to use this learning space for a quiet island of self-reflection.

15. I want to use my blog to be creative and show off what I am capable of.

16. I want my personal identity to remain private.


Role of Instructor

1. I want my instructor to provide regular, timely feedback to all my posts.

2. I would prefer to have instructor be on the sidelines unless I invite them to comment and give feedback.

3. I hope that my instructor will encourage me to push the envelope, and do things I am not quite comfortable doing.

4. I want my instructor to provide a framework for assessment before I complete the task

5. I want the instructor to facilitate discussions.

6. I hope the instructor responds to my comments when nobody else does.

7. I want my instructor to help me manage my learning, and remind me of timelines.

8. I expect my instructor to provide examples of great posts I can model and use for my own posts.

9. I expect my instructor to provide guidelines for effective posts.


Role of Peers

1. I want to receive comments from my peers.

2. I don't want to have to respond to peers' comments if I don't want to.

3. I prefer to respond to posts if they interest me.

4. I am willing to reply to others' posts if they reply to mine.

5. I am hopeful others will share resources and ideas with me.



1. I think posting at least 4 posts a week to my blog and responding to two others' blogs is reasonable.

2. I think we should post everyday - even if it is a paragraph.

3. I don't really want to post for others, and would prefer to post for myself a couple times a week whenever I want to.

4. I want to stick to the learning tasks at hand, and not engage in distracting, irrelevant side-chatter.

5. I don't want other students seeing my work - I want to interact only with the instructor.

6. I don't mind blogging in a public blog, but I don't want to have to have comment on others' ideas if they are not relevant to my interests.

7. I look forward to having some fun - sharing jokes, swapping photos, sharing links to videos and podcasts, and engaging in social banter.

8. I prefer to work with a small number of fellow student edubloggers of my choice over the duration of at least one year

9. I prefer to work with a cohort of dozens of student edubloggers I might not know for the duration of a semester.

10. I want the option to invite others to view and comment on my blog, such as family and friends, guests, other students from other classes, and other teachers.


  • Terry Anderson May 27, 2009 - 4:16pm

    Wow, this is very interesting and adventurous Glenn!! 

    Some of the questions are repetitive, which is fine, but you then need to create a scale on the dimension being assessed. In fact it might be useful to list the dimensions to help you think about how you would analyze and interpret the scores, if they were gathered from a likert scale type survey instrument as you suggest.

    Great stuff!


  • Glenn Groulx May 27, 2009 - 11:24pm

    Hi Terry,I still very much like the Likert scale type of survey, but will need to re-think the purpose for the assessment tool once again in practical terms.The dimensions I have chosen are sketchy. They are not precisely defined, and a slight change in meaning will shift results, so I need to review the concepts again carefully. The assessment is perhaps comparable to Kolb's LSI.Specific questions correspond highly to specific characteristics, and I was thinking that the three dimensions could be plotted showing the breakdown of the three "tendencies".Blogger Characteristics:Competitive (somewhat combative, territorial, individualistic, "gladiator") vsCooperative (interested in sharing ideas, relationships, empowering, nurturing and helping, caring for others, "caregiver")Embedded (seeking validation from others, grateful for others' comments, praise, requires support, "novice")vs.Autonomous (independent, does not need others' praise to stay motivated "lone ranger")Anonymous (seek to perform, concerned about privacy, feel more uninhibited creatively behind mask on virtual stage, "performer")vs.Private (seeks to work on self-reflections, hesitant about sharing, does not want to self-disclose to public "lone wolf")