Landing : Athabascau University

Applying CIP Principles to Academic Blog Posts

Audio Commentary:

Abstract:This post explores the use of a modified form of PARI (Prerequisites, Actions, Responses, and Interpretations) for the use of process capture in blogging. In addition, this post introduces reflections on a connection between the dynamics of inert knowledge and tentative learners. Finally, this posts suggests a number of best practices for designing blog posts in accordance with CIP principles to lessen cognitive load.

Title: Designing Instruction That Supports Cognitive Learning Processes

Authors: Clark, R., Harrelson, G.


Keywords: inert knowledge, Managing Cognitive Load, using a modified form of PARI for capturing blogging/learning processes, CIP design process

Relevant Quote(s):"...the [PARI] interview seeks to define the prerequisites, actions, responses, and interpretations that experts have in their mind as they solve a problem."

Way-Making History: I reviewed my previously written post, Way-Making Schema - An Example for Capturing Learning Processes, at and wanted to append some ideas to it. I re-read the article at as well Carol Blenkin's post (found at that responded to my own post at

Reflections: I wondered about the connection between inert knowledge and tentative learners - the reticence encountered by learners to add/append/summarize ideas can negatively impact their retrieval of ideas, as the act of blogging, in my view, strengthens the cues and connections necessary for retrieval and transfer.

Concepts Summary:

1 - modifying process capture concept using PARI (prerequisites, actions, responses, and interpretations)Reflections: (these are tentative, to be drafted further into a more elaborate post)Prerequisites are similar to situational context, such as purpose, or motivation for posting. Actions are similar to way-making history; Responses are comparable to feedback received from others, or follow-up ideas (self-talk) appended to the original post. Interpretations are the summaries, reflections, and open queries and probing questions, as well as thoughts on future directions.

2 - For Managing Cognitive Load: - modality principle (attach audio narration or commentary)- contiguity principle (add text to image or use of rich picture)- Lesson Size and Practice Distribution principle Reflections:To manage cognitive load, and enhance learning, educators should aim to encourage (and model) written posts that are consistent with the following Cognitive Information Processing(CIP) design principles:- attach audio narration or commentary- add text to image or use of rich picture- posts that contain smaller, more manageable chunks of information; read and write posts that consist of spaced practice.
