Landing : Athabascau University

Types of Posts

This is evidence that I had first begun working through the concept of berry-picking and sense-making. I am unsure at this point whether this is my first mention of the concept, but it has become a more refined idea in later writing. Also, the processes of sense-making and berry-picking are mixed with more broader perspectives such as confessional blogging, slow blogging, and using blogs to record one's personal educational biography, general themes that I return to later writing several times. The concept of the life-stream is as yet an underdeveloped concept, requiring focus at a later point in time, perhaps 5 to 10 years from now, when there is a more pronounced shift from academic to more personal blogging.

Berry-Picking: unstructured documentation of experiences of using the weblog to develop ideas which provides in-situ view of blogging practice;

Confessional tales: story-telling, detail-richstories, writing from a personal, informal perspective, including emotions and personal details; dilemmas, challenges, fears, concerns, doubts

Sense-Making: formal definitions, descriptions, arguments, summaries, critical incidents, commentaries, addressing feedback, aimed at an academic audience; ideas account for multiple perspectives, assume a professional tone;

Educational Biography: narrative, critical incidents, process reflections, self-talk on learning environment, introspective thoughts, insights, questions, reflections on meta-cognitive processes;

Life-Stream: sharing of personal experiences, events, details, stories, family, highlights, joys, passions, celebrations, creative products

Slow-Blogging: liminal passages (transitioning episodes between blogging roles and expectations, for example, revelations on attitudes/perspectives to account for newly emerging reasons for blogging)