Landing : Athabascau University

Exemplars: Schema (with Examples) for Evaluating Online Resources

The following schemas are methods for organizing different kinds of online academic sources for later re-use. Thanks to this method, I am able to retrieve salient facts about the resources. However, I realize upon review that this lacks the following:

absence of

  • Title:
  • Author:
  • Date:
  • URL:
  • Keywords:
  • Summary:
  • Way-Making History:
  • Date Retrieved:
  • Examples:

Resource One

Title: To Change Ourselves: a Personal VSM Application

Author: Allena Leonard

Date: 2007


Keywords: Viable systems model (VSM), Personal VSM, self-regulated learning

Summary: Leonard describes the five different systems and their implications for the individual learners attempting to prioritize and decide on effective goal-seeking strategies. This is of particiular interest to those needing to balance life/work demands, and manage the demands of "Me Inc" in which they mix the vsarious spheres of their lives and engage in lifelong learning, consulting, self-employment, etc.

Way-Making History: Followed online through link from the article, The Personal Learning Environment and the human condition: from theory to teaching practice, written by Mark Johnson and Oleg Liber.

Resource Two

Title: Self-regulated Learning, sense of personal ownership, assessment

Author: Mike Bogle

Date: December 2008


Format: Video clip

Summary: Mike Bogle talks briefly about the question of whether we should we assess reflections of learners. He thinks that educators should aim to inspire learners' sense of personal learning journeys, empower intrinsic motivation and nurture self-regulated learning.

Date Retrieved: October 18. 2009

Resource Three

Title: Training Reflective Self-Regulated Learners

Organization: CELL Blog : Center for Engaged Learning in the Law

Author: Michael Schwartz

Date: February 2008


Format: Webpage

Keywords: self-regulated learners, self-reflection, blogging

Summary: provides a comprehensive description of self-regulated learners. The author identifies SRL as consisting of three phases: planning, implementation of strategies through self- monitoring, and an iterative, cycling process of reflection on practice. Interestingly, the author refers to case studies on law school retention rates, explaining that curriculum based on SRL principles led to increased retention rates of learners.

Retrieved: October 18, 2009